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STEM, Art, 21st Century Skills & OM

Learn how each of the Odyssey of the Mind Long Term problems and Spontaneous emphasize, teach and support Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM), national Art standards and 21st Century Skills

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Register for your national membership or contact your Regional Director to receive our handy dandy folder complete with everything you need to run the program at your school: brochure, poster and a USB drive with problems, flyers, sign up sheet, photos, presentations and more! Your Regional Director is available to conduct an Odyssey Exploration Family Event at your school for interested parents and kids.



Monthly newsletters help you stay on track, assist your coaches and share events with your community and much more!


Coordinators also receive monthly coach newsletters to forward to their coaches. Coordinators have expressed they like knowing what we send to coaches and, until team registration in mid-January, we are unaware of all coaches. 


Sign up with the form

The Odyssey of the Mind Building Coordinator is the “behind the scenes” person ensuring the administrative side of the program gets done, but is the most important link between coaches, school districts and Colorado Odyssey events.  With the diligent support of Coordinators, coaches will feel prepared and your school’s teams will compete successfully with other teams at your Regional Tournament.


Your job as Coordinator is very important.  This job takes planning and attention to detail but it does not have to be a drain on your time.  The Coordinator can delegate Odyssey of the Mind tasks and/or ask for help from parents, school administrators, District Coordinators, State Directors or former Odyssey participants in order to stay on top of the responsibilities.


You will feel a tremendous amount of pride and success when your teams and coaches thank you for taking care of the details as they prepare to compete.


Colorado Odyssey

Ft. Collins, CO

All Rights Reserved

Copyright 2024

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Colorado Odyssey has been a Chartered Association of Odyssey of the Mind since 1983 and is a non-profit, 501(c)3 organization.


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