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Volunteer Roles & Descriptions

Odyssey of the Mind is an all volunteer organization. It takes approximately 80 judges and 80 volunteers to run a smooth tournament and we count on each and every one to help make this a positive experience for the kids. To ensure teams, coaches, parents, judges, and spectators have an enjoyable experience, we require each team to provide a volunteer for tournament day. A volunteer will need to be available for their role for approximately 3 hours and will be scheduled around the team they are representing's performance. Simply stated, the teams, and very likely your children, have worked too hard not to have a fun day. If you are a past or present supporter of the Odyssey of the Mind program please consider helping volunteer at this year’s event. We have many different volunteer roles to meet your interests. 

Awards Set Up:

Set up the Primary Awards Ceremony after the morning group and at the end of the day after the afternoon group. Also responsible for setting up the main stage in the auditorium for the Awards Ceremony at the end of the day.


Clean Up Crew:

Once teams begin finishing competition we will need help with putting away chairs and tables. There will be banners and signs to take down, boxes to pack back up and stage for loading. We all work together as a team and we work fast so Clean Up is actually the shortest volunteer shift of the day. Don’t panic clean up sounds bad but everyone helps clean up their own room and we have a janitor for the gross stuff.


Door Monitors:

You will be responsible for monitoring traffic in and out of the Long Term Problem room during competition. When there is no one competing the door will be open and people may come and go as they please. Once the judge signals for a team to begin competition the door will be closed and no one will be allowed into the room.


Hat & Banner

Hat & Banner Parade is responsible for assisting children with materials and craft supplies for the kids to create a banner for their school to parade in with prior to Awards Ceremony. You may also assist with placing membership name signs along the wall outside the Awards Ceremony area for teams to line up by membership name in alphabetical order and assist with lining teams up by membership name.



Hospitality is responsible for all the food that is prepared and served throughout the day. Breakfast, lunch and snacks are served for the Judges and Officials. There will also be a Coach’s Break Room and volunteers that will serve a light snack and drink.


Long Term Problem Helpers:

To help the SPC for each long term Problem as they need you. The duties for each problem will vary as each SPC will need help with different things. It could be helping with paper work, going to get drinks for the judges, running after supplies, helping as door monitor if the door monitor has to go watch their child perform.



To set up the registration area first thing that morning, check in the Judges and Volunteers and hand out the vest to them. You will also register the teams, check their membership cards and team roster. You then give them their packets and answer any questions.



To sell really cool Odyssey of the Mind merchandise and toys, track sales and handle monies.


Score Runner:

You will be responsible for going around to all 6 problems plus spontaneous and collecting the score packets and delivering them to the score room for tabulation.


Spontaneous Competition Area:

Help in the Spontaneous Problem as either a Check in Person, Runner or in the Holding Room. Good sense of humor required, must be able to joke around with the kids and help them relax and enjoy the day. Spontaneous can be a little scary for first time teams.


Traffic Control:

Patrol the front and East side of the building and keep the circle-drive in front of the school clear. Assist coaches who need to unload props, scenery, costumes and solutions, and then make sure they clear the unloading zone and park in designated parking lots.

Colorado Odyssey

Ft. Collins, CO

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Colorado Odyssey has been a Chartered Association of Odyssey of the Mind since 1983 and is a non-profit, 501(c)3 organization.


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